Contents Color CO., LTD. 콘텐츠 컬러 : 대한민국 기업

Contents Color

Main business information: SI system constructions, Android app developments, IOS app developments

About company

For years, we have developed EPUB viewers that comply with the IDPF EPUB1.0, EPUB2.0, EPUB3.0 spec on the Android, iOS and Windows devices.

We are an SI development company that builds SI systems, develops Android apps, and develops iOS apps.

Visit Openepub Reader home page( to see epub reader apps on multiplatform device.

Business items


Computer programming
system development


Mobile contents
development and sales



Company history


Epub reader app for Windows users has been developed

2021 – 2023

Advanced epub reader app has being developed


Epub reader app for Android users has been published on the Google Play


Epub reader app for iOS users has been published on the App Store


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about EPUB e-book viewer app development on the iOS device on the Android device on the Windows device, SI system constructions, EPUB Viewer related platform development service inquiries

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Business Number D-U-N-S Number: **75879**
사업자등록번호 : **4-88-022**

Address ***, Seoul, the Republic of Korea
서울 특별시 서대문구 ***
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